Scribe of wisdom


Showing execessive confidence or pride. Similar word / Idiom More often the word uppity (Uppity person is someone who behaves…

Scribe of wisdom


It’s an American Slang (which is used across the world also) to signify an extravagent and useless project . During…

Scribe of wisdom


Tergiversate (To be pronounced as tur-ji-ver-seyt Meaning – changing repeatedly one’s attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject,…

Scribe of wisdom


Amatorculist A rare but interesting word.. To be pronounced as ay-muh-TOR-kyu-list. In Latin Amator means Lover and cul is a…

Scribe of wisdom


Accost This is a transitive verb (which means – it makes sense if it exerts its action on an object)…